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Campus History

Atkinson Elementary School is located in the SouthBelt area of Pasadena Independent School District.  Opening its doors in the fall of 1969, Atkinson ES was named in honor of Delbert Ellsworth Atkinson and his son, Delbert Leroy Atkinson, both of who served on the Pasadena ISD School Board and actively contributed as members of their community.  Mr. Hollis D. Powell served as the school principal for 25 years from 1969 until his retirement in 1995 with 37 years of service in Pasadena ISD.  Mrs. Lena Ortiz served as principal for 26 years from the fall of 1995 to the spring of 2021 when she retired with over 40 years of service in Pasadena ISD.  Since the fall of 2021, Mr. Chris Bui has  served as school principal with over 20 years of service in education.    

The Atkinson flag seen on our flag pole was first introduced on May 5, 1989, being the first Pasadena ISD school to have its own flag, courtesy of Ms. Charlene Carson’s third grade class. The flag is a golden banner emblazoned with a blue eagle with the school name.  Students in Ms. Carson’s class designed the flag after reading a book about a young boy who designed Alaska’s state flag.  “The gold background represented the boys and girls, the blue represents the friendship of the teachers and students, and the eagle in flight represents the children’s future.”

Today, Atkinson ES continues this idea with our Guidelines for Success: 

         As Atkinson Eagles, We will S.O.A.R. 

         “Show Self-Control; Offer Cooperation; Act Responsibly, Respect yourself and others”

         Some fly but Atkinson Eagles S.O.A.R. to Success!


The front of an elementary school building.